For next workshops, see the news.

If you want to learn origami, I come to you everywhere in Ile de France to teach you the origami language!

If you look for special origami papers for you foldings, you’ll find japanese papers on my etsy.

Apprendre l'origami en région parisienne

During 1:30 to 2 hours, you will learn basic folds to become an origami expert.

For children (more than 6 years-old), we will begin with simple folds : animals, boxes, planes, … The children will have new toys that they will reproduce to infinity

Avion : pliage en papier

For adults and teenagers, basic folds will be easy for you and you will know how to fold every origami! We will train on several patterns and learn how to decode an origami diagram.

Cocotte en origami, explication du pliage

Including supplies. Everyone will get his origami and the patterns.

For more information or for subscription :